Monday, October 31, 2011

Break Up can even lead you naked on the streets! Read on to know more

A Russian man who said he was "flying on the wings of love" led cops on a crazy chase in Moscow on Sunday - while completely naked.
Police told GenX that the man, who was identified by police sources as "Vitaly G.", managed to bang up at least a dozen cars in his drunken stupor.
He also nearly hit a school bus. But it was once he was out of the car that he had everyone closing their eyes in horror. Footage broadcast by Russian television stations shows him lying on the ground and yelling to cops "don't cover me!" as they tried to put clothes on him, the Associated Press reported.
Once in police custody, he reportedly told police that he had just been dumped. "The day before my loved one said she was no longer ready to have a serious relationship," he said.
GenX Trivia : Move on - drink but dont drink alone!!! 

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